In a recent communication with a property agent, he asked me “Where are you investing now?” and advised that I get ready to “shop like mad when the economy goes haywire.”.
I am not an investment specialist, and my immediate response was “I am going to invest in myself—spiritually, physically, intellectually, socially, and in learning […]
Seek To Be Right, Not Just Legal
How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Answer: Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg. Quote from President Abraham Lincoln. The lesson? Check your “facts”. Do not take what others say at face value. Everyday we are presented with other’s perception and their interpretation […]
Being Positive Does Not Mean Everything Is Fine
We hear a lot being said about positive thinking and focusing on what’s working. So do we focus on what’s working and not rock the boat even when there are clear violation, disrespect and abuse? While I am an advocate of being positive and focusing on what’s working, I want to talk about giving what’s […]