Feeling The Holiday Stress? How Can Coaching Help?

It’s the time of the year again! Traffic is congested, people are impatient, everybody’s busy and rushing around either to finish up year end projects or to prepare for the festive celebrations.

While the children are happily anticipating gifts and fun the adults are trying to make this yet another perfect Christmas!

Have you started working on that check list for all the things you need to do to be ready for the holidays? Tickets? Shopping? Cards? Food! And most important of all, are you emotionally prepared to meet the entire extended family?

While most people look forward to connecting with friends and family at this time of the year some may be silently wishing that they can have some quietness by themselves. This can be a particularly difficult time for you if you are having the first Christmas without your love ones. The first time you do anything will be difficult, so I have some tips that may help you.

If you are feeling any of the above, please feel very welcome to join me in this week’s Stress Relief Tips seminar. I’ll share with you how you can face the next few weeks with more certainly and be ready for that celebration and that gathering.

Register for the public call here and feel the difference after.

I will approach this from the angle of Coaching following on from where we left off last week. Some people ask what coaching is and exactly how that can help in everyday life. So this week I will share with you ‘how’ Coaching can help.

Different people have different understanding of what coaching is – I don’t think a definition will be helpful here. I much rather you feel the difference after a coaching session than enter into an academic discussion of what coaching is.

So if you have any specific questions send them in, if not come anyway, I have something prepared for you.

It will be great if you can join us for the live call, if not register anyway and you will have access to the recorded replay.

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