If you look carefully you will see that sometimes at your browser address bar, there is a padlock and the text “https” instead of “http”.
In case you wonder what that is and how that is different from http, here’s a short publication that may help.
It is important that yo spend a few moments to get this right or you could be compromising your personal and sensitive data while you are browsing the internete.
So grab your coffee, here’s an easy read What Is HTTPS And Why Does IT Concern Me? with larger fonts by clicking on this link.
What Is HTTPS and Why Does It Concern Me?
If you like to know How To Enable Secure Log In Using HTTPS, I have a step by stpe walk through with diagrams to help you there. Let me know which version of publication your prefer! So what do you think? Love to hear your feedback and remember to “Like” it if you find it inspirational.