How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
Answer: Four.
Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.
Quote from President Abraham Lincoln.
The lesson? Check your “facts”. Do not take what others say at face value.
Everyday we are presented with other’s perception and their interpretation of events and situations under the influence of what they choose to believe.
And what they choose to believe is sometimes based on either their unique experiences or what they want to convey.
We must remember that these remain as others’ view which sometimes may represent something quite different from what actually “is”.
At times it may also only include a portion of the entirety that “is”.
The picture presented will therefore not be complete or at best distorted and can often be quite different from what actually took place.

That the same thing mean differently to different people is not new to us.
But it is disturbing to note how some can hold a stretched out interpretation of events so much so that it presents an interpretation that can be quite the opposite of what actually took place.
I am amazed but disturbed by how some scammy organisation do this “legally” and get away with deceiving the general public.
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, do seek help ad talk about it. Not talking it will not help.
To businesses and organizations: being merely legal is not enough if it is about what one can get away with. Calling a tail a leg will not make it a leg. Ethics is about what is right and honourable.
I would that all will seek to be beyond just legal but to truly seek to add value to others.
The picture on the left shows a face at first glance. On closer look you will see the work “Liar”.
Do exercise some caution if you “feel” that something may be amiss.