Our Great Teacher Confucius has this wise saying for us, "What I hear I tend to forget, what I see, I remember, what I do, I understand." Isn’t it true that we forget more than half the things we learned at training workshops and training seminars less than a week into our real lives […]
Creatures Of Habit Or Conscious Beings?
Do you know if you follow routines and rituals in your modern daily lives? Or do you consider yourself a free willed person, self governing and set apart from others by your great capacity for creativity and reasoning? While I believe in the potential and creativity of the human race, we may be kidding ourselves […]
7 Tips to Stress Free Lives In 30 Days
Single mothers, are you stressed out, overwhelmed, nearing a meltdown, falling apart, yet somehow telling yourself that you are fine until the last straw breaks and you snapped – and you wonder what happened? Are your muscles tensed, and your head throbbing? Are you experiencing rapid breathing and feeling fatigue? Are you feeling uptight and […]