To do New Year Resolutions or not to do New Year Resolutions? That is the question! Whether we voice it out or not, I believe we do have desires for the new year. Not articulating it could be a safe refuge in case things don’t really work out. Or maybe we just do not want to […]
How New Will The New Year Be?
OK so this is the last day of the year! How will you be ushering in this new year? Here’s a quick 5-minute audio that talks about new year resolutions and getting desired results in 2011. Knowing the 4-stages of learning and where we are will shed some light on what we can do about […]
Did You Have A Merry Christmas?
How was your Christmas? The lights and the tree is still happily shining, the gathering and meals are done (except for the cleaning up), the presents wrapped and opened, and hey, it’s boxing day already! So how do you measure you Christmas? Here’s a thought for you. Christmas is not about consuming, it’s about expressing […]