3 Pointers For Your New Year Resolutions

To do New Year Resolutions or not to do New Year Resolutions? That is the question!

Whether we voice it out or not, I believe we do have desires for the new year. Not articulating it could be a safe refuge in case things don’t really work out. Or maybe we just do not want to be disappointed – again.

Whether you have those ‘resolution’ or not, here’s 3 questions that will help you. To be resolute is to be so determined that there is no turning back. But that is hard to do, unless you have answers to these 3 questions …

Watch this, it’s a 5-min video clip that could shed some light.

So what do you think? Is this video helping? If you have any questions, just post them in the comment section below or contact me at http://abundantlivescoaching.com/contact-us/ and I will get back to you promptly.

Stay tuned for the next video and find out what is causing most resolutions to break down before the first week is over …

A two-for-one coaching program will be released on 9th Jan, watch this space! Get the latest information on this promotion by leaving your details here http://WorkWithOneHeart.com and claim your bonus strategy session too!

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