Success Clues

"Salary increase" and "more profits/bonus" sounds like a wish list for 2010.
When you do get the extra cash, do you find yourself spending the extra just as easily and quickly?
We know the answer to that one.

The extra cash never seems to be enough to cover the new credits.

In fact most people who has windfalls tend to lose all that extra cash very quickly. It is also not uncommon for some to find themselves heavily in debts.

How do you manage this thing called finance?
We work hard to save up and when we do make some progress, it seems to slip through our fingers.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can have some clues to not only build up our financial security but also be able to manage it and not have it play trick on us.

If this sounds like a good idea to you, then sign up for the interview with Robert Riopel here. That will be clues for thought.

 International Trainer Robert Riopel from Canada has been on the stage these past 5 years, teaching success clues over 200 events to over 150,000 people from around the globe. Clues that he gathered through years of struggle and experience.

Robert has overcome various challenges and is passionate to help impact the lives of others. He feels that if he could help one person to accomplish what he has, then the struggles and lessons learned would have been worth while.

Some of us may have met Robert in person before. You are welcome to pass on this invitation to friends and family and all who have met Robert in his previous training. Press the share button and spread the love. 

Additional Information: If you have not listened to the audio recording of the interview with Michael Tan, you can do so here

And by the way, the special offer for this weekend's event will expire by 5pm Friday 19th March. If you have been reading the Star Property, you would have read inspiring testimony of speakers at this weekend's event. You will not only get to meet these inspiring role models, people like you and I, you will also get their autographed books – after you have secured your seat. Once you sign in, you will be directed with instructions if you wish to purchase the tickets.

Full disclosure: I am not an affiliate for promoting the 2-day workshop. But I am inspired by what Michael and his co-hosts are doing and I like to do my part in spreading the word.  I have bought my ticket for this workshop and I hope to see you there!

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