Have you checked your "to-do" list lately and noticed items that are transferred from month to month? It is not uncommon to have that happening even though you are able to check off many items as done and complete, there could be certain items that are not addressed from month to month. I found it […]
You Have No Time For Things You Do Not Really Want To Do
I wonder how many times you have heard or used this phrase in the last week. It’s the perfect excuse for not attending to important things in our lives, it is legitimate and sort of acceptable in today’s culture to be overly busy and consumed and "have no time". Yet, are we not each given […]
Your Knee Pain, Your Options
For those who are suffering from various denigrative or chronic knee pains, you may want to check this out. Everyday, you depend on your knees for walking, standing, sitting, all kinds of movement, and if you have inflammation, swelling or have had surgery done on your knee(s), you will know the frustration that this can […]