I wonder how many times you have heard or used this phrase in the last week. It’s the perfect excuse for not attending to important things in our lives, it is legitimate and sort of acceptable in today’s culture to be overly busy and consumed and "have no time". Yet, are we not each […]
Group Coaching In An Audio File
I am happy that some single moms have written to ask for the replay of our last free tele seminar with group coaching facilities. I am more happy that you actually did the action items outlined and went through the thought process of understanding yourselves. The more effort you put into your self awareness […]
FAQ On TeleSeminar / Web Cast
I received similar queires concerning my TeleSeminar from the different single moms who wrote to me and I take this opportunity to go into some details of what this Tele Seminar is as well as how you can make use of it for your own personal development. Q1. What is a TeleSeminar? It is similar […]