Marketing For Coaches?

I have been marketing and sales adverse for as long as I can remember, until last year this time,  I attended Blair Singer's Authentic Sales Intensive Workshop series. That followed by Guerrilla Business Intensive by Hark Eker has opened up my eyes to see things in a new way. Since then I opened up myself to greater opportunities.

When I was studying to equip myself as a professional coach, the Academy I was with had factored in business building classes, so we not only learn the skills necessary to be a coach but we also know how to build our own successful coaching business.  I have had some of the best and smartest business coaches at the Academy.  I am so glad the Coaching Academy continues to bring in expertise from different backgrounds.

But concept is one thing and practice is another.  Marketing and Sales cannot be learned unless you do it, like dive into it.  And dive I did.  It is the Ready, Fire, Aim motto that I took, and now I am in the Aim stage.  I dived into doing the tele seminar, writing the articles, conducting workshop and I get into the game and now comes the time for refining the strategy and the system.  It is really exciting to see things starting to take shape.

I am in the middle of a month-long marketing program that will help make refinement and adjustments to my business model. I am learning more intensely about marketing and implementing new ideas for my coaching services to you.

Expect chances in a month's time. As in everything else, one needs to go forward and improve all the time. And if you would like to see certain features in my services, I invite you to drop me a line through either the comment boxes or via the Contact Us page. I always like to hear from you to know how I can serve you better.

So, yes, it will be an intensive month for me as I Aim and Adjust my coaching services to you. And if you think that a little guidance and support in marketing may help you in your business building too, then hop over here and check out this brilliant business coach, without whom, both I and my coaching services will still be in the closet.

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