Replay For Seminar On Using NLP & Coaching To Manage Stress Is Now Ready

I had a great time chatting with my friend Dania and the event is now over.

But as a special gift to you for indicating that you are interested in the event but was not able to join us on the live call, I am giving you access to the recorded replay of the conversation – for a limited time onlLife Coaching

NLP and Coaching To Help You Succeed
NLP and Coaching To Help You Succeed

Just leave me your details here and I will send you details for getting the audio. When you click on the link you will see a little box where you can leave you name and email address.

Follow the online help and make sure to check your Inbox for a mail from Louisa with the subject line “Response Required …’

You will need to open that mail and click on the link in the mail to confirm that you really do want the interview audio before I send that to you.

The audio will be available until midnight Sat US EST (4th Dec). After that I will be sending you information on our next call.

Next week I will continue on this topic and will share with you how professional coaching can help you manage your self talk, your stress, your ‘issues’.  Coaching not in the sense of having someone breathe down your neck or yell at you.

It is also not having some read out some pre written scripts to you regardless of what challenges you are facing. Proper coaching is personal and often ‘custom made’.

You will not be forced into a mold or ‘model’ in my world of coaching. My clients will tell you that often times I let them lead the way …

Ok so make sure you take time to listen to this audio asap.

And watch out for the next call on Wed 8th Dec, it is going to be worth it, no kidding, I have something planned for you.

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