Dedicated To All Who Embrace Abundance Question I ponder on today is "Give or Take?" Would you seek to add value in your actions, words and posts or will you take as much as you can and not want to acknowledge, support or give back to others? These are extremes. Most of use will be […]
Who Needs A Facebook Page?
Facebook Page – For Those Who Want To Promote A Brand or Services This is Facebook 101 for newbies – so don't expect to see mumbo-jumbo and complicated in-depth study here (there's a place for that). 500 Millions people are using Facebook, about 70% of the users are outside the United States with more than […]
How To Win – Keep Moving Forward
Dedicated to All Who Are Committed to Win Do you sometimes feel like you have so much to deal with and have so many reasons for not "making it" that those reasons actually sound fearfully convincing? And then by some strokes of enlightenment, you are awakened to "see" the real picture from a totally different […]