It’s the end of summer Life takes a turn and we heave a sigh of relief as the children go back to school, to the more structured and predictable life. And we can fall back onto our good friend; the "schedule". For many of is, this season is the start of new ventures and projects; a new season with a new reason.
I look forward to September and the last quarter of the year to be a wonderfully enriching period with possibilities of many beautiful things happening. There is ample time to reach out for the goals you set, there is abundance of opportunities to take hold of to craft the future of your dream.
I am 2 months into my year long project and I am happy to see the progress made so far. The road has been winding and the path has led me through valleys. However, it has all been very enriching and really fulfilling.
Yet I look forward to scaling greater heights and learning deeper truths. The journey has been colorful and I look forward to the scene when I reach the mountain top. And so here’s to the next 3 months, folks. Let’s press on and hit the high notes before we reach the end of the year!