During the week, some of my published articles were republished on others’ sites—that is a good thing.
And some of them were modified without my permission. That is not such a good thing. And it is not ethical.*
But it happens.
Initially a little ruffled, it later dawned on me that the content must be of value for it to be copied and reused. It would have been fine if the person using my content had checked with me before he/she reposted it. It would have been acceptable to repost others’ content with a link back to the original writeup or crediting the original author.
Basic, right?
So why was it not done? A host of reasons. I will stop putting out good, quality content just because someone is “stealing” it. I would, however, keep writing and producing helpful content so more can benefit. At the end of the day, more people benefit from that reposting. albeit done with less than honourable motives.
My fellow content producers, keep your eyes on the goal you have set. And continue to move towards that goal. Let nothing distract you from your first love.
*You are welcome to copy and paste any of my published articles from online magazines such as www.ezinearticle.com and any or my videos from www.YouTube.com provided that the entire article [including the author resource box] is published with no part modified.