I’ll Start With The Starters

I have taken upon myself to work on a new project that takes quite a bit of learning on my part.  In an attempt to accomplish as much as I can in the shortest possible time, and in my hunger for learning.  I have packed my schedule rather tightly, immersing myself in studying the various subjects; reading, journaling, taking notes, listening to audio tapes and watching video tutorials.

I have always liked self-paced study – it is so scalable!  I could go as fast as I want to. And it has been an incredible time, I have gathered so much in just a few weeks.

In a catch-up conversation with one of my fellow coaches (and a lovely friend now in cyber space), we touched on "and how have you been doing lately?".  I was describing how overwhelmed I have been feeling lately and she rightly reflected back to me what she heard me saying.

She painted the picture of me running as fast as I possibly can, running with all my might and trying to "catch the train" that somehow just gets out of reach no matter how fast I ran!  And I am surprised that I had not seen it in this light!

Am I glad we connected and had this conversation!  She has since helped me take a few deep breaths and calmed me down.  Everything happens for a reason, I am so glad we caught up at the right time and she helped me see where I was headed just in time. The timing could not have been better, it was almost like a scheduled session to put me back on track!

So in the frantic race with time, I was grabbing everything I can feast on from the buffet table. They all looked so delicious and inviting, I could not help but take in as much as I can.  What I got was indigestion instead!   No wonder I have not been feeling well lately!

My dear friend asked if I would consider taking a short break before I get onto the next train. Hmmm, I have not factored in any breaks or holidays but I will be out of town next week for a 5-day seminar.

The change in environment, the meeting of like minds and the various sessions will provide me with new stimulus and perspectives. I will come back refreshed and renewed and I will take it a step at a time.

I will work out my healthy and balanced diet plan with my coach and I will start my buffet with the starters (how complicated is that?)

And this time I will not have indigestion because we will work out what it is that I need at each stage so I will focus, focus, focus and I won’t be greedy or overwhelmed by all things good and delicious ….

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