Life Coaching for Single Moms?

Since the interview with Sin Chew Daily (national Chinese Press) was published today, I have been receiving some mails from my single moms friends.   And I take this chance to say "Hello" to all my single mom friends.   I welcome all questions and you can send them to me via the Contact Me page. You are also invited to check out the Event Page and register to join me on this week’s call so you can sample and taste what coaching is.

The term "coaching" has been borrowed from the sports world and we now use it in the business, corporate, life and spiritual platform too.    Instead of explaining what coaching is, I want to invite you to join me this week and dial in so you get a laser coaching session from me for free.   All you need is a telephone and you will be in contact with others all over the world.

I maintain this safe environment for all who joins this supportive community.  You privacy and confidentiality will be my priority.  So register and I will talk to you (or more likely, listen to you) on the call!

P/s I was just informed that those who have registered are still waiting for the confirmation mail to be sent to you – please hang in there, aweber, my auto responder is undergoing maintenance.   Please do check back in a while with your mail box for a mail with the title "RESPONSE REQUIRED …"  Remember to click on the link in this mail to get details to join me on the seminar this week.   I apologizefor the inconvenience, we all love technology while it works …….

P/P/S And the reason I need your confirmation is because I practise double opt in – this means that I will not send you any promotional information for any of my events (or my affiliates and associates) unless you have given me permission to do so on two levels.   Level one is when you give me your name and email as you request for event details and second level is when you confirm this request via your email.  This is to respect your email privacy.

I do not subscribe to misusing emails address for spamming purposes.  Now you know why I do not easily send out event details.  And if you like to be on my mailing list or to join me on any tele seminar simply opt in the event page, and you are in!

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