Uncovering Creative Procrastination?

I have been real busy lately, I mean who hasn't been?  Everyone I meet says he or she is or has been terribly busy and we do not find time to meet up or do stuff we need to or have always wanted to do.

Well, however busy you are, please take 1 minute and 19 seconds of your time to watch this video.  You may find yourself nodding away at the simple truth of the matter.  It's just too revealing.  Enjoy the video.

– So are we busy? Sure we are.
– Are we productive?  Not so sure

Kind of depends on how you define productivity, doesn't it?

Are we busying ourselves with all sorts of distractions so we can justify to ourselves that we really have no time for what needs our attention most, the stuff that gives us the greatest fulfillment and leverage?

The Creative Procrastination Syndrome?

– And what may be causing this?
– What is stopping you from doing the real important things?

Dig deep, you have the answer.
And then please get right onto starting at least one thing on your "what-matters-most" list and start getting stuff done!

And I love to hear what you learn from this little exercise.
True?  Not True?
Why do you think we fall for this?

Register For FREE Coaching Session Here


In this conversation, you may discover other "creative" ways you are using to sabotage your own productivity! Time to put those aside now and get stuff done …

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