Girl Guiding For Young Women

I will be speaking to this year's soon-to-be-awarded Queens Guides tomorrow. 44 young ladies from all over Malaysia have worked hard at challenging and building themselves, championing a cause they choose, raising awareness on the need to care for community and the environment.

There is so much I want to share and I want it to be something that will help them here and now. These are budding young ladies with capabilities and talents and ready to make a difference to the community.

After my nth version, I came to terms with keeping it very fundamental and practical. It is not going to be overwhelming or something they have not heard of. But it will help them avoid the mistakes I made as a young, energetic and idealistic youth; ready to take on the world and change it without considering the principles of sustaining and holistic success.

The Girl Guides today are fortunate to have an organization that trains and builds them up in an all rounded way outside of academic knowledge. Some other young girls may not have been exposed to Girl Guiding and not gotten the support they need. In either case, I want to share just one burning point with here.

When you are young and invincible, it is easy to think that you know it all and have it all.  You have proven your capabilities, talents and skills and you are ready to commit to your cause and ideals. It is easy to think that you have the answers to life's complex questions.

Extra curricular training and the internet has given today's youth have access to much updated information and they may have more exposure than their parents in certain areas. And it is that much more urgent that they keep an open channel of communication and invite view points from peers, elders and guiding mentors as they make their own decisions.

While every experience can provide learning, some experiences cost much heart aches, time and resources. In recent conversations I have with family and friends, the topic of certain organizations wanting to "target" youth and college kids came up quite a bit. Youth are most energetic and idealistic and therefore most vulnerable to influence or "brain conditioning".

Young ladies, guard your mind, share your thoughts with your leaders and commissioners, your mentors, coaches if you do not feel comfortable sharing with your parents.  They will help you see with objective minds and fresh perspectives before you take drastic moves.

What you see is from your perspective. Sometimes your eyes play tricks; especially if you are wearing scratched glasses or tainted ones. Also your interpretation of events and ideas is based on your experience. So it does not hurt to be open to more points of view. Have a second or third opinion especially when you are making important decisions. 

Keep an open mind and not isolate yourself, not base your thinking, beliefs and hopes any one source. Do your due diligence, check your sources, ask for opinions from more than one source before you make your decisions. Have a peer partner, c
onsult your leader, mentor, coach that you can discuss things with openly. 

"For as we think, we shall act and be". It all starts with the mind. And the mind is most eager to learn and absorb when you are eager to grow. Check the books you read, the videos you watch, the conversations you have, the words you use and the friends you keep.

"Our lives are changed by the people we associate with and the books we read"

The The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is a dynamic and effective organization for young girls and adult women.  It provides young women with methods and principles of holistic personal growth, helping them become responsible leaders of tomorrow. The Association 
purposes to "educate, train and develop the potential of its members to become citizens who are sensitive, competent, skilled and disciplined". We are thankful for the Guiding Movement which gives our youth a firm foundation for their growth.

My heart goes out to these young women with great potential and aspirations. If only we can influence more youth to go onto the right path … By the way you can always support the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia. You can give of your time, your talents or your resources or sign up as a member or a volunteer. The girls will appreciate it very much.

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