New Year Resolutions That Works

Ok, the endless parties are over and it’s time for setting some New Year resolutions – again!  Another New Year is about to begin and you get another chance at setting your goals for the coming year.   Or you can always recycle this year’s resolution!  With the best of intention, somehow new year resolutions don’t always work out the way you had wanted.

No worry, that’s history, we can now create the future.  So what would you like to accomplish this year?  Some work related goals and some personal goals and some fun stuff that you want to include too – like a year end vacation of sort.

This year it would be different.   You have your goals and you are resolute to make it work and you have also made it public.  You are all set. 

But that’s what you have every year.  Yet for some reasons those resolutions started off well but don’t end so well.  And we want to know what might make them work this year. 

Well, there are many factors to consider in setting goals that work.  Having the determination is good, and we also need to consider the following questions:

– Do you believe deep down that you are able to achieve your goal? 
– Can you “see” it happening? 
– Can you express what it will feel like when you achieve that goal? 
– How would it make you feel and how would that change your life? 
– What will you do when you achieve the goal? 

Well, each of these questions will give you some clues as to how likely you are to achieve your New Year resolutions.   Having goals and being determine about achieving them is a good start.  You take responsibility for the outcome.  You have the willingness to pay the cost and to put in the hard work.  That sets you apart from mere wishful thinkers.  Yet, you need to have an internal driving force propelling you forward.

You need a reason for achieving your goal.  It works if your reason has to do with something that you deeply, desperately and urgently want for someone or some cause that you are passionate about.  There has to be the motivation from within.

– Do you have that driving force propelling you forward? 
– Do you know why you want that vacation or that new job or that healthy body?  
– So what if you don’t achieve your resolution this year?
– What would achieving these mean to you?

If you are looking at setting your resolutions and making them work this year and you would like some help in considering  the many intricacies of goal settings, send me a note through the Contact Us Page for a complimentary strategy session.  I look forward to connecting with you so we can strategically set some real goals for the new year.

2 comments on “New Year Resolutions That Works

  1. I set New Year’s goals instead of resolutions since resolutions get broken and then we forget about them. I’m still trying to finalize my goals for 2009 and I only have 2 days to do it! I am very excited about this new year.

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